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Equality Exchange

Equality is an automated market maker designed to allow users to exchange stablecoins or other similarly-priced assets with low-fees and low-slippage.

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About Equality Exchange

Earn rewards on similarly-priced assets.

Trade stablecoins

Trade stablecoins

Swap IRC-2 stablecoins or other similarly-priced assets with minimal fees and slippage.

Provide liquidity

Provide liquidity

Equality liquidity providers will earn a share of transaction fees and receive Equality (EQU) tokens in exchange for providing liquidity.

Earn interest on your tokens

Earn interest on your tokens

When you deposit your IRC-2 tokens to provide liquidity, Equality deposits your tokens into lending protocols in order to increase your yield.

Low-fee, low-slippage asset swaps

When trading stablecoins or other similar-priced assets on Equality, traders will only be charged a small <span class="c_blue">0.04%</span> transaction fee and a <span class="c_blue">0.02%</span> admin fee.

In addition, as a result of Equality’s algorithmic design, swaps experience significantly lower levels of slippage compared to traditional automated market makers and exchanges.



Transaction fee


Admin fee

Earn fees and tokens by providing liquidity

Users who provide liquidity to the Equality platform will receive a pro-rata portion of all transaction fees along with Equality <span class="c_blue">(EQU)</span> tokens, which entitle holders to protocol governance rights.

In addition, due to the price stability of assets traded on Equality, liquidity providers are far less likely to suffer from “impermanent loss.”


Earn interest on your tokens

In addition to earning trading fees and tokens, liquidity providers will also be able to earn interest on their deposit. The Equality smart contract will utilize lending protocols built on the ICON network in order to lend out tokens and pass along the earned interest to liquidity providers.
